Cast On Fall 2017: A Review

Cast on Magazine published an issue for 2017 . Let's see, right?

Basket placement. Although it has curly edges and thick sketched flowers, it is not bad, a little rough and ready. This is definitely a favorite and enjoyable touch of butterfly buttons.

Roads are short. I usually like it, but this collar worries me. It should be asymmetrical but only look curved.

Socks A-Tisket, A-Tasket. Very beautiful socks.

Alpine hiking jacket. I like this part, though I don’t think an empire belt will flatter a rich woman. If this vest is for a woman who wants something bigger than a B cup, lower the belt at the waist.

A child in a hat-basket. At first glance, I thought it was a small rope bag. Not a bad hat.

Colored tunic. I like the basic idea of ​​a colored block tunic, but it hasn’t been fully implemented. The view seems to be very different.

The diagonal name fits out of the basket. A handy item with some texture details to make everything interesting.

English diamond hat. Beautiful

Sewing fabric basket with elastic. A fairly light styling pillow.

Golden Gloves Aspen Message. Fingerless gloves usually show a little more fingers than that, and the effect is a little weird, as if the tip of the glove explodes on the fingertip rather than on the model.

Aspen green wing heater. I love them.

Click on the road map. Oh, I like it! The shape and details are good, and these curved front seams of the basket give the sweater a visually appealing line.

Wicker pillow with wicker basket with mosaic and sliding. This model has a reasonable visual effect.

God Fox. Supposedly a fox, but actually like a fox / anteater. The fox's nose is not so long.

Napoleon + desert jacket. This is what the cover looks like, and it deserves it, because this stitch is amazing . Add a waist shape to this type of design will not work, but you can straighten the lower shoulders and make cleaner sleeves.

Orange Sassafras message marker. Here we show a little more fingertips, but also knitted, because I suspect the fingers were too long for the model’s hand. There are several models behind it, but it’s not particularly impressive.

Picket Edge Table Run. A good decorative element.

Gloves with red maple message. They, like the Golden Aspen Message Gloves, are made not only with athletic weight but also with a light rope for the fingers. I like that the light smooth threads look smoother. I never like my gloves to look or feel like oven gloves.

Knitting pillows with ribs and elastic. This is a small change from a wicker basket to the top. I think I like the others because the small size of the model gives the pillow a slightly smoother look.

Wandering controls cough. The chain of the shoe can be tied only if I put it on the boots. I will not.

Market bags from top to bottom. If a person puts food in it, everything will go to hell.

The passenger has an old elegant look, and the front chains look bad when folded behind, so the inner edge of the chain seems to be here.

Zick Jack fingerless meets. Like them, they also have good shape and beautiful color.
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