Creative Knitting Spring 2019: A Review

Creative Knitting has released the spring 2019 issue. Let's take a look at all the wonderful things about spring knitwear: remember that on a particularly cold January afternoon in Toronto, I had to sleep on the next table with a cup of hot tea, print a pair of numb hands while writing this review. . Slowly knocking on the door, as my stove was not working properly, I waited for him to come to service the oven system. In other words, it was a little difficult for me to find the right design for a simple, lacy, warm weather design, but I tried my best as a crane reviewer.

Wedding sweater Beautiful little shirt that can be worn.

English tunic. It's not attractive, but its slim, long, narrow cut can make it less comfortable to wear and less vulnerable to many women.

Lipson scarf. There are very good stitches in it.

Theresa Lee. I can not say that I worry about luggage.

Hadley Poncho. The lace is luxurious, and the curtains are luxurious.

Lucky Scarf I'm sure these perceptible boundaries will make me feel like a 'damn crazy wizard', leaving me in a perpetual fear that I're only two minutes away from becoming a giant pumpkin plant that is helplessly rooted in the animal kingdom. It's bigger than my clothes.

Oak scarf. Beautiful. It is difficult to make a mistake for a classic lace scarf.

Tacon tunic. I really like this picture, except for the knitted flowers on the top, which look gorgeous. Ignore this, you will have a beautifully sewn asymmetrical tunic in a rather large style.

Briarfield West. I can not compete with a design that has a lot of texture. This is an interesting exhibition. It also does not work on professional models.

Bristol cardigan և blanket. I'm not sure if this kimono should last that long, but it's fine without it.

Copeland jacket. Not my favorite jacket, but I have to admit it fits.

McKinley Cardigan. Not bad, but I'll straighten my fallen shoulder.

Back cardigan. Nice little postcard. The play of colors is so summery.

Laurel nodded. It shows "collected patterns".

Peace sweater. I wish it was better if it was solid knit, not a partial net. The embroidery net always seemed to me an irreplaceable "shopping bag". Plus, you'll get an amazing tan / tan by wearing them. Ask me how I know.

Rosel scarf մեկ This is a very attractive little scarf.
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