Creative Knitting Summer 2018: A Review
Creative Knitting has released the 2018 summer issue . Let's see.
Woman Rozhanka. There are very interesting seams. Select the diagonal of the front side panels. The dull oat color of this strand does not justify this style.
Maureen Plover. Very nice to wear.
Sandra Cardigan. I just can’t avoid the atmosphere of this “beach blanket with wings”.
Wendy Cardigan. Not bad. He sits well and is in good shape.
Angela T. I like the lace on the hem, neckline, but the crease on the front doesn’t add that style note.
Cecilia's shawl / hat. This scarf is as simple as it sounds. The hilarious variegated yarn used in this pattern can wear it a lot, but I still prefer a design with a little more detail than this one.
Sylvia Chaal. The lace in this is cute, it’s a wonderful yarn. It’s silky hedgehog / merino lace, it’s soft and cute - it looks amazing.
Yvonne West. Not bad. Packaging design is usually hard to achieve, but it fits.
Little turtle. A beautiful sometimes non-woven ornament, such as the chiffon ribbon used here, completes the design.
Sweet cotton. I would not do this with multicolored threads, because the lace in the skirt is difficult to see and like - it gives the image an interesting and elegant look.
My only son! Looks rude and unattractive. The only positive thing I can do is that I like the idea of jumping with a knitted toy in my pocket.
Tank Bertram. Not bad. I like the pattern on my body. I would like to add fringe to the edges of the neck and chair as it still looks a bit uneven.
Cyril Raana. These big hijab cloaks are nothing more than ordinary, but there is no denying that they make a strong impression.
Giovanni Shall. There are carefully made striped scales samples. Instead, I take one.
See shawl. Cheerful and attractive monolithic square scarf.