Noro Magazine Issue 13: A Review

The magazine will publish its thirteenth or Fall 2018 issue . Come see. Please note that for some reason this version has 11 master pages registered on Ravri, and even five of those 11 master pages have no images, and one (#03, textured rib raglan) has two page models , so I did. You can submit up to 36 Ravelry links of the 36 models in this review.

#01, Afghanistan page. This is an interesting and unusual idea.

#02, Pancho Mosaic. Beautiful and pleasing to the eye.

#03, structured ribbed Raglan. Very interesting to wear.

#04, Striped Dough Sweater. There are these interesting lines. I wanted to see him from a certain angle before signing him, but he looks special and attractive.

#05, Diamond West panel. It's very seventies but wearable.

#06, nude cardigan. Very beautiful

No. 06, hat with diamond ribs. Classic strap and strap cap.

#08, Fingerless Meat. Nice pair of gloves. I find the soft gray tone of this yarn attractive.

#09, Cal. I like to use this thread.

No. 10, pillow. The color combination of these two pillows makes it special, as it technically couldn't be simpler.

No. 11, triangular island shawl. Magnificent!

#12, Saul. magnificent

No. 13, spiked poncho. Not bad for the design, but I thought I'd use a different color of brown for this project because the brown thread on this poncho looks a lot like the Poe emoji.

#14, Checkered Ruana. This is a beautiful sewing machine, although it may seem very difficult to pack. I want to leave it on the couch.

Number 15, Freddie Pancho. That's not a bad thing for a poncho, and the stitching is great.

No. 16, wrap herringbone. Kinda beautiful.

#17, Grandma Afghanistan. Her skin color makes her attractive.

#18, Afghan Koel grandfather. I think the idea of ​​a trilateral blockade for Afghanistan is very good. It's a refreshing change from the regular box, and the cracked edges cool off.

No. 19, boutonniere shawl. who passed. I will destroy it

#20, round scarf. I will destroy it too. Consumers must look like a scarf and not carelessly wrap themselves around the neck.

#21, Chandramallik Saul. He's a good Afghan, but he looks more Afghan than Saul

#22, Flower Pouch. It's one of the funniest ways to taste it.

No. 23, sweater with beam structure. Not bad. This can be done at the end of engraving and trimming.

No. 24, thread yoke sprayer. magnificent

#25 Structured Sweater. Adjust the lowered shoulders and adjust the shape, and that would be a nice move.

No. 26, sweater with a short row. I really like the front sign, it's an interesting idea that works really well with this yarn. They adjust their reading shoulders.

#27 Structured Sweater. There are advantages and trends. Guess what it is. And a half sleeve shoulder seam, breath. Clean and it's a very attractive turtle.

#28, extra cable end. Again too big and heavy on the shoulders but otherwise good.

#29, beach boy. A pretty little bohemian bag instead.

#30, Grandma's Box Bag. I don't think anything is being done at Dada Square, it's mistakes and mistakes in clothing and equipment.

Number 31, Tunisia. A simple royal size card that looks best on other threads.

Number 32, sweater. This is definitely my favorite #09 yarn, Kaul, and I still love it, but I've definitely adapted.

Number 33, turtleneck cardigan. This is not the usual kind of jacket that looks bad.

#34, vest. Blurred and frustrated.

#35, long sweater and balaclava. I don't call this a "long cow sweater". I would call it a caftan and then put it down.

Number 36, jacket. I'm not a fan of those crooked screen cardigans, but that's not a bad part.
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