Rowan Knitting & Crochet Magazine 62: A Review, Part 2

After reviewing the first half three days ago, today we review the second half of Rowan Knitting and Crochet Magazine 62 guidelines.

Brady 's classic twisted dress.

I love the details of the body of this coat , and the back looks very narrow, but the front is sleek and the sleeves are comfy.

Midnight. The look and feel are good, but I think I will do this from a variety of threads as it requires a little more visual interest.

Wheat cloth. It is rare to see my favorite embroidered scarf, but I love this scarf for its beautiful woven effect.

Waist. This classic fair island yoke refreshes the sweater, the horse is good, I love the subtle neutral color scheme.

The dome disappeared at midnight . I love the versatility of the wool jacket combination I can create for myself, I choose one that can be worn alone. Even though I wear a real belt with it, it is not something with a leather belt or strap or a twisted waist.

Mandelberry. The writing is great, and the colors are beautiful, but this one is less than Cardigan, more than Afghanistan.

Farley. This is so beautiful that I even like the pumps or cut them a little.

Black scarf is a very attractive way to give a special shade to everyday wear.

A beautiful classic piece of octagon .

Granmore is a diamond style of many beautiful masters, though I do it in different colors. This dark blue և light blue combination is popular with designers, but for some reason it doesn’t come close to me. It is visually strong, a little strange.

Dam. It is very basic, but very mobile.

Radfan. This is generally good, but it does have some ugly box eggs that hurt this professional model. I usually recommend adding a size example, but this can be difficult in this case due to the strong cable design, so I will probably pass this design on to you.

The designer in this example seems to be trying to get a simpler piece by adding random links to the threads, and like many randomly added design elements, it just failed.

Destruction. The most famous coat of mosaic design.

Sleeping short cardigan. It may be hard to wear, but it looks attractive on the dress.

Billy : Even the model he is working on is suddenly sitting in a dark room, wrapped in a blanket and packed in a can of marshmallows.

Evening is not bad at all, even though these long, thin sweaters are hard to wear. However, this can be easily corrected. Only do it at a length that suits the owner.

Thackeray handkerchief. The hat in this handkerchief is in the first part of this review, I also like the handkerchief. It was a good idea to wrap it in a tube so that it would not be on the "wrong" side.
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