Vogue Knitting Fall 2018: A Review

Vogue Knitting has released a preview of its fall 2018 issue . Let's see.

№ 01, Shawl Isola Bella: What a variety of interesting and beautiful motifs! I would like this to apply to the Afghans.

№ 02, Bella hat. Doing this with a unique color scheme really sets you apart from the ordinary hat.

№ 03 Fair Isle pullover. Very attractive և classic work.

No. 04, three-part pink pattern collection. In real life, the look of these three pieces would make me a little fuzzy, և these gloves are more sleek than the boiler cabinet, but of course you do not have to sew all three pieces երը the sweater. The hat is definitely a good example of a design. I also like the idea of ​​making these products in two neutral colors with a strong contrast.

№ 05, Leaf Motivated Pullover. It was nice, but I straightened my shaking shoulders and held out my hands.

№ 06, mosaic. This is something that will look pretty good, like an Afghan and a bandage.

№ 07, striped lace shawl. Excellent!

№ 08, offset triangular shawl. Fun և modern work.

№ 09, pullover on the yoke. Beautiful sweater. I take brushes seriously, but I think a very young housewife will work. The 25+ crowd should probably leave them.

№ 10, Graphic yoke pullover. Funny և colorful.

№11, woven yoke pullover. beautiful. The yoke is interesting and attractive, and the edges look like this.

№12, Type A tunic. Another great point. I would like to extend it և turn it into a dress.

№13, yoke patterned sweater. It's a fun flirtation, but the measurements can definitely be made to some degree.

No. 14, jacket with yoke patterns. Beautiful classic. Whether the editors of Vogue Knitting should be sadly pedantic for a moment, this pattern և the last example should be called "Pattern Pullover" և "Pattern Cardigan". These models are not modeled on jackets.

№ 15, Asymmetric triangle. It is a very beautiful and bright hat, it looks so beautiful when you wear it.

№16, open shawl. Very sweet piece of lace.

№17, jacket, decorated with a cross. Not bad. Get a typical dress with a clear neutral from top to bottom. The reason is that this design was inspired by the Chanel jacket, տեսնում I definitely see the effect.

№ 18, one knitted dress. I love the amazingly useful և versatile item as it looks just as good on its own or worn as a turtleneck sweater. The length of the mini skirt may not be suitable for everyone, but it can be easily extended for those who wear a mini skirt, who do not feel old or just do not like the mini skirt.

№19, Zangi Thai sweater. Unfortunately, I decided not to wear it at all, because I look quite bold, because it is not the style of rich women, but it would be beautiful and elegant for the right man.

№ 20, Pullover with collar. This has been the pattern of Isaac Mizrahi since 1998, but to be honest, there are so many patterns in the Vogue Textile box office that they could have made a better choice than such a patterned, soft room.
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