Cast On Summer 2019: A Review

Cast On has released its 2019 summer edition . See OK?

Dishes with ant eggs. I hate using used cloth towels (I'm big, they are very disgusting, they are dirty compared to J-cloth) - experiment with system scaffolds using hemp thread instead of cotton thread. He wrote that he had changed, that the hemp cloth "dries quickly", that the containers were wonderfully clean, and that our example did not smell. They are also very effective for uninstalling.

Chevron scarf is something that does not look like . Lace is an attractive design, I can't say that this color combination justifies the design.

Basket cloth head. If it’s bright pink and brown, it looks like an 80s fitness video; He has to stay there.

Bubbles, bubbles, balloons. Awesome!

Breton Shawl. I like this modern atmosphere.

Sweater with cable columns. The stitches are attractive, they fit well, but in this case it is always as common as a sweater.

Clara's jacket. This jacket is beautifully embroidered and finished, and the simple embroidered dragon flies feel good.

By twisting the cap. This is not a bad design at all, but it does irritate me from the inside out.

Hemp wrapped. This isn't terribly interesting, but it is strangely watchable .

Eston Tunic. Here I am with Brooke, Art Deco Details և Thread combination.

Fibonacci knit sweater. This is a surprisingly unusual set of colors, especially when combined with the seat structure of the seat.

Fishermen Rib Stadium Zapia. Simple and Classic Stadium Scarf.

Gazelle Club. not bad. Coloring Games ር Honeycomb sewing works well.

so funny. I really like this colorful dress እፈልጋለሁ I want to see it in a fun color combination.

Hemp Summer Dress. Here is a dull double-breasted dress with a reminiscence of the 1940's light shade. Or maybe there is no problem with the design of the vest or dress, I am not sure these two pieces will do anything to each other, they do not seem to fit the style, they certainly do not. None of them are in the color scheme of the sample.

By twisting gloves. Here we have the top hat gloves. It's not wrong with the design, it still looks inward, it still scares me.

Monagan is often easy to sell in Celtic cable design, և This cardigan is very attractive and attractive.

Rainstorm light canal with color lock. It works.

Tea scarf with curry and saffron binding. The saffron և curry color scheme touches my retina a bit, but I like the point used here.

Posted sweater. not bad. I like the idea of ​​using center lines to switch between two color blocks.

Deer horn dress. We have a T-shirt here, it was a good choice for him ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,; ::::::

Trivet և trivet for summer harvest. I found them to be very attractive with home-made eggs, with real stone cups and plates on the breakfast table.

Twisted Blocks Towel. I like this point.

Top and bottom socks. I love the embroidered wedge pattern used in this beautiful pair of socks.

Waffle socks. I love their looks and their sporty combination of fun checkered patterns and flared socks.
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