Knitscene Fall 2019: A Review

Nietzsche released the fall 2019 edition . Come come:

Lido Cap Classic Flat Cap.

Cardigan along the coast. It's no other jacket without an Afghan number.

Brown gloves. These are common to see, but there are some interesting points.

Gloves at high tide. Excellent lace gloves և it's a beautiful yarn.

Cover the flood sea. Beautiful և classic retro.

Wrap the fence back. I like the effect of different types of braid yarns to give this metal scarf a modern look.

Rip top. The lace pattern is beautiful, but I prefer to wear it as a vest rather than a sandwich board.

Straight cap of the bus. Corresponding peaks.

Change the direction of the wave. Very interesting box.

Floating theft. Another beautiful cover.

The perfect storm sweater. Not bad. It is in good condition, the details are interesting.

Backshow sweater. A beautiful house. It would be nice to choose a color.

Peeled hat. I really like gradient blue waves as opposed to white.

River sweater. A beautiful house. It is in good condition, the wire body is a good change from the usual route, and the Inseljak has a fresh, modern feel.

Lake Ghala. I like the color combination of the accent stitching edges.

Hold the wave cap. Not bad. An interesting combination of knitwear and mosaic sewing.

Underwater package. I can not say that it is interesting. Junk's shop has an Afghan flavor, but I think it can be a sad color for a long time. I can imagine it working with a colorful egg so that the brown yarn does not contain that particular strain, so I can not think of such a non-extended similarity.
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