Knitty Deep Fall 2017: A Review

Nitty has released the 2017 edition of Deep Fall . What will we see?

Pesto saffron. A knitted sweater version is a must. Not bad. It has a restrained, comfortable look. The designer suggested that if you do not want to make it so wide, lower and / or remove the A-line torches.

Hostcap. This is because the model is very large.

Klajko. This is a good small number.

Alicorn. Classic and cozy hood.

Cascade It is comfortable to wear, has a modern look and beautiful details.

Riots. I do not know the name of this work. One-shoulder boots are convenient, but offer greater access than larger, conventional over-the-shoulder boots. "Sweater Shrugs" is quite real, but it sounds a little silly. An abbreviated version of "Slanket" or "Slanket" (polo quilt) may be another idea, but it's even worse. Apart from this issue, I do not think I will wear this fabric because I prefer a more specific shape and texture than knitwear, but it is a nice layered fabric for casual wear.

Bu Bu. This design was created when a stylist was creating a sweater, he did not like how the sweater fits the pattern, cut at the skirts. As much as I hate creative efforts to save failed projects and avoid costs, no matter how beautiful the jackets and skirts are, I do not think recycling efforts are entirely successful. The bottom has been redesigned, like a knitted sweater. I will restore it somewhat, either by removing the seam line of the hand that holds it in place and inserting chains or buttons, or by completely bypassing this cutting edge and keeping a rigid circular structure.

Vilvarinda. It can be worn as a skirt or scarf and I like the lines and colors that stand out.

Habanero. Oh, a beautiful piece. It looks great, is shiny and has a lot of fabrics and in many cases will look good.

Kavican Wave. The designer came up with this hat and hood because he wanted to use the Kovichan knitting technique, which he studied in class (and also wrote an assistant article on the history of Kovichan knitting). I would say these things are a perfect addition to the traditional Cowichan sweater style.

High voltage. The first thought that came to my mind when I saw these socks was that they were perfect for meeting a Flash Gordon fan, but when I looked at them, the power bolts became more like semen. . I think they can still dress up in a date with Flash Gordon fans, but ... maybe not in the first date? But it is definitely your decision. I do not know your life.

Lesula. I really like old school men's outfits, trendy.

Welcome. This is what the guests in the dining room dress up, organize a dinner where you want them to be a little confused and confused. Or if you are crazy about a Pixie dream and everyone knows this is the right way.

A little funny. The work was intended for the stylist's mother, who told her daughter that "she is no longer normal and will now wear clothes that do not even try to be normal". (It's really amazing and reminds me of her favorite little essay about Alison Lowry's 60s fashion .) The designer writes that she "tried to satisfy her mother's amazing appetite ... for her Of course, she Mother loved her sweater and the grandchildren were not ashamed to look at her grandmother, but I do not think the stylist was able to create a single design.Unusual design requires uncompromising courage and a certain logic play and boldly give some groove wall details.

I will repeat this here and there. Body shape and embroidery are excellent. I like the vintage details, the front cover and the silver cufflinks, so they stay the same. The pocket, which is the same color as the main part of the coat, just looks pale, so I will make it a different color, with contrast or the same color as the base. It's a good idea to work with lace on skirts and cuffs, but it 's too thin for a sweater, so I'll knit the lace in a cheerful contrasting color to fit in my pocket. I'm not surprised by the way these back collars, rounded or front edges sit, so I think I can change the shape into a square collar and sew to fit in the pocket.

Round carpet. This little knitted rug is beautiful in itself, but I see it not as a rug for the kitchen table, but as a modern rug for a doll room for the living room. But then I do not know if it is your kitchen table or your toy room.

Dendritic. This is fair. They are interesting and practical and knit very quickly.
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