Moths Are Practically Butterflies and Other Knitting Fables
Cherit cut his way in half before sewing a sharp tarantula under his sweater, crawling on his face before having a nightmare. He can only hope that the panic will not be on his face.
Trinity believed that the design of her casual jacket perfectly complemented her leather belt քերը breasts.
Winifred's new baseball suit was a tribute to his favorite sport. He was planning a second football-inspired design to honor his second favorite sport, but found it difficult to get enough pigskin.
Hetty designed what she thought was the perfect outfit for a desert trip that ended in a heatstroke on a desert trip. He just found Photoshop's work for his travel album so believable that he created it so he could forget what all the Bedouins were laughing at.
It was hard for Magda's friends to understand that when they liked the new sweater she wore on her shoulders, she needed a certain level of style, at least a change of nightgown.
Esther's new outfit was as helpful in finding her way through her dark room as she had hoped when she returned home late at night, but she had an unexpected problem because the cats were scaring her.
Shauna felt that for her new job as a llama shepherd, she would have to wear a llama (or at least alpaca) sweater - a certain long figure. How can Lamiara trust him if she is not one of them?
The wings have been shown solely to give a sense of proportion. And moths are almost like butterflies.
Believing in artistic honesty, Jarvis was thrilled to have recently praised Picasso և Mr. as he had found a way to reconcile his childhood love of potato heads.
As Mavis did not finish knitting overalls on time, hoping for colder months, she changed from a skirt to a t-shirt, adapting the design to spring clothes, adding side cuts.