Pom Pom Quarterly Spring 2019: A Review

Pom Pom Quarterly have released their Spring 2019 issue . Let's see that.

Woodwardia. I'm not happy with this turtleneck box with sliced ​​eggs, but I love the feather wand, which otherwise gives the usual classic stuff a good breath.

vivarium. Boxing snow and low shoulders detract from what should be a worthy part of the beautiful island design.

Happy. Glossy gloves.

water clover. It's beautiful. The design is decent, if I don't want it, I'm afraid this shirt is a little tight to the touch, because the knitting tends to be knitted.

Sweet experience. It is visually appealing.

Ginkgofiet. Very elegant veil with a modern feel. It really is an amazing detail.

In adian. A very good sweater with interesting stitching, but the design is not too bold so it can't be combined with some other women's wardrobe items.

auras. Such a beautiful wrap. The plot is good.

davalia. With a beautiful lace pattern, this woven shawl looks modern and elegant. This is the piece that could have followed the path of the destined "70s house magazine model" so easily, but it's not.
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